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Off-shore services & shipping

ATD has a solid experience in this off-shore Services and Shipping for Oil & Gas, Energy, Off-Shore Platforms and modular construction of industrial unities, freight services for heavy cargoes ships, support activities for structures and unities assembling in high seas. Our wide international network of collaborators allows ATD Group to offer all logistics services for projects of FPSO installations, Drilling Rigs, FSRU, Jacket Platforms, off-shore wind farms, marine substations, rolling-out ships from yard, and logistics support in service terminals for infrastructure at high sea.

Fretamento e Serviços Off-shore

Inside the organization, our freight and intermediation department has as its main activity the constant search for the best technical and economic solutions for our clients needs. With the support of our internal engineering team and the shipowners engineers, we design the ideal solution to our clients.

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